75th Indian Independence Day

15 August
Freedom is nothing but a chance to be better
Wishing you all a very happy 75th Independence day.
Today is a non recipe post. And apologies in advance for not writing about a happy thing today. While we are all celebrating Independence day with several get togethers, functions and celebrations even amidst pandemic, it pains to see that few people never realize the true essence of having a independent free world to live in. They just seek fulfilment in superficial celebrations while in the core of their heart they are still very regressive in their thoughts. Especially in treatment towards animals. The more human race has becomes advanced, it seems the less they feel empathy towards beings which are not as fortunate as them to have a shelter on their heads and food on their plate everyday. Instead of helping the animals out in the cold on the streets wit whatever they can, they are putting all their efforts in driving them away from having some shelter or even killing them just because they seeked a little shelter and food. Some thing as trivial as " the stray animal is sitting near my scooter" makes them come to the conclusion that "the stray should be packed in a bag and left outside the city limits". This is not a fictitious example, this is right now happening in front of me. It will sound most inhumane to all animal lovers, but I really cant fathom how it doesn't even stir a tiny chord of empathy in people who suggest such kind of things. Humanity is dead for them and still they are seen in the front seats celebrating Indian Independence Day. If this is what independence means, we should have been still under the British rule or any foreign rule for that matter who are still more empathetic towards the strays in their countries. We were better a hundred years ago, when human still believed and cared towards coexistence between animals and humans. The world we are in today is really grim. And probably that is why even nature is taking a revenge though deadly diseases like Covid. Nature definitely has the power to reclaim what is originally its own. As humans if we do not change ourselves soon, we may as well get ready for an unending series of pandemic situations in the future. There might still be hope, if we as parents do not try to cloud over the organic thoughts of our children. Let us help them create a more sustainable world, where basic rights of all beings are respected.
This independence day let us free ourselves from showing inhuman behavior towards animals. Lets pledge to create a world of compassion for all less privileged beings. Let's build a better tomorrow for our kids and help them learn to show love beyond just oneself.
Echoing the famous quote by Swami Vivekananda "Jibe prem kore jei jon sei jon sebiche iswar" which means "Those who love all beings on this earth are truly serving the Almighty ''.
Jai Hind!